Sterrit / Urnian / Foreven

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Portions of this material are Copyright ©1977-1996 Far Future Enterprises.
Name UWP Base Trade z pag Polit Star
Sterrit C527300-A Lo Ni 424 Hp M9 III

Table of Contents

Section Includes
Referee's Notes Stuff you probably shouldn't read
System Data Detailed information on the system
YVN Advisories What you must know
YVN Report Information for travellers
Library Data Entry

System Data

Primary :: M9 III

Orbit Name UWP Grav Day Year deg 
Diam Rem
5 asteroid Y000000-A Re
6 asteroid Y000000-0
7 gas giant Large GG 6.00 9.9 10.43 384.5
1 ring YR00000-0
6 satellite Y510000-0 0.56 5.31 493 8.3
8 satellite Y300000-0 0.35 727 8.17 493 4.6
11 satellite Y430000-0 0.47 13.18 493 6.4
35 satellite Y300000-0 0.24 58E3 74.81 493 5.3
40 satellite Y200000-A 0.15 91.40 493 3.5 Re
45 satellite Y300000-0 0.29 109.1 493 5.0
8 gas giant Large GG 3.60 33.5 28.61 288.6
4 satellite Y400000-A 0.34 23E3 3.24 274 6.2 Re
6 satellite Y720000-0 0.86 57E3 5.94 274 11.5
7 satellite Y300000-A 0.36 7.49 274 4.6 Re
8 satellite Y610000-0 0.71 9.15 274 9.9
10 satellite Y200000-0 0.23 12.79 274 3.4
11 satellite Y420000-A 0.48 29E3 14.76 274 6.6 Re
25 satellite Y200000-A 0.17 -2E4 50.56 274 3.7 Re
35 satellite Y840000-0 1.02 83.76 302 13.0
45 satellite Y400000-A 0.44 65.1 122.1 274 6.1 Re
50 satellite Y870000-0 1.35 69E3 143.0 329 12.6
225 satellite Y100000-0 0.08 20.2 1365 274 1.6
9 gas giant Small GG 2.40 13.2 79.68 127.2
1 ring YR00000-A Mb
3 ring YR00000-A Re
4 satellite Y100110-A 0.08 11E3 2.61 73 1.4 Re
7 satellite Y100000-0 0.13 125 6.04 73 1.8
11 satellite Y100000-A 0.09 11.90 73 1.6 Re
45 satellite Y100000-0 0.12 37.8 98.44 73 2.1
55 satellite G100132-9 0.12 133.0 73 1.3
10 Sterrit C527300-A 0.41 25.1 223.6 -27 8.2 Lo Ni
11 gas giant Large GG 2.45 5.1 630.1 224.2
2 ring YR00000-0
3 ring YR00000-A Re
9 satellite Y400000-0 0.16 12E3 11.65 -78 6.4
55 satellite YS00000-A 0.02 65.3 176.0 -78 0.6 Re
150 satellite Y300000-0 0.13 29.9 792.6 -78 4.6

YVN Advisories

YVN Report

Sterrit: a Description

Despite its cold exterior, Sterrit is a tourist attraction not only for the Hinay Protectorate, but for worlds outside the Protectorate borders too.  Almost the entire population of the planet lives in underwater facilities near the large equatorial ocean.  Government is by family; each family runs its own individual vacation facility.  Sea life is abundant; while cold, the mostly unexplored polar land masses do support some primitive life.