Garda-Vilis / Vilis / Spinward Marches

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Portions of this material are Copyright ©1977-1996 Far Future Enterprises.
Name UWP Base Trade z pag Polit Star
Garda-Vilis B978868-A S 912 Im M3 V

Table of Contents

Referee's Notes
Stuff you probably shouldn't read
Encounter Tables
System Data
Detailed information on the system
TAS Advisories
What you must know
TAS Report
Information for travellers
Library Data Entry

System Data

Primary :: M3 V

Orbit Name UWP Grav Day Year deg 
Diam Rem
Stel Sat
0 Garda-Vilis B978868-A 1.15 31.0 0.14 14 13.9 S
1 asteroid G00023B-A Re Sc
2 gas giant Large GG 5.18 17.6 0.93 368.5
3 ring YR00000-A Re
10 satellite Y600000-0 0.47 481.3 12.04 -136 9.6
25 satellite Y200000-A 0.16 47.61 -129 3.2 Re
45 satellite Y726000-A 0.56 57600 115.0 -149 11.7 Re
50 satellite Y544000-0 0.41 134.6 -137 7.4
325 satellite Y100000-A 0.04 29088 2231 -128 1.6 Re
3 gas giant Large GG 5.53 33.4 1.59 272.2
2 ring YR00000-0
6 satellite YS0022A-9 0.02 636.1 4.65 -159 1.3 Sc
7 satellite Y500000-0 0.40 11808 5.86 -149 7.7
10 satellite Y200000-0 0.07 10.01 -160 3.4
40 satellite G10016A-9 0.03 80.08 -158 1.0

TAS Advisories

TAS Report

Garda-Vilis: a Description

Garda-Vilis (the name means New Vilis) is a subject world of Vilis.  Originally settled in -120, the failing settlement was taken over by Vilis, and in the years since then has been deliberately maintained as an economically dependent world.

The Vilis-imposed government is widely unpopular; there is a very strong nationalist movement that seeks independence; the movement is not anti-Imperial, just in favor of home rule.  Action ranges from political lobbying through to outright violent terrorism -- the Tanoose Freedom League is the most famous of the militant organizations.  In 1103 the resentment boiled over into open rebellion, but it was put down with help from outside mercenary forces.  Many resistance groups survived, however, and the issue of Tanoose independence is far from closed.

-cam MW
-RSB ds
-SMC spin
(ref: Garda-Vilis (1118 Spinward Marches): "The Situation" Broadsword; "Hundreds of Worlds" The Spinward Marches Campaign)