Aslan Calendar

The Aslan base their calendar and timekeeping units on the period of Kusyu (the Aslan homeworld) around Tyeyo, its star.

Basic Units

The Aslan year is the ftahea, 212.2 eakhau (Aslan days) long.  A ftahea year is 319.98 standard days in length; an eakhau is 36 hours long.  Each eakhau has a unique name; for convenience they are numbered from one to 212 and referred to by number.  To every fifth ftahea, a 213th eakhau is added to keep the calendar in sync with Kusyu.

The Aslan also divide their ftahea into three raohfokh (seasons): Aihros, Tralrea, and Ktaho.  Aihros (Beginning) is the equivalent of spring: the mating season for many animals and the time when annual plant life grows from see.  Tralrea (Growth) is the long season of mild weather on Kusyu; it is the growing season (although in this sense it referes to the growing of herd animals) and lasts 100 eakheau.  Ktaho (Harvest) is the hunting season; it is short (only 30 eakheau) and a traditional time of Aslan hunts.

Base Point

The Aslan calendar began counting time when the first Tlaukhu was established.  The data of 3658 corresponds to the Imperial date of 1120.

Date Format

An Aslan date is stated in the same format as an Imperial date.  A three-digit eakhau number is followed by a hyphen and a four-digit ftahea number.  For proper identification in the Imperium, the date is usually followed by the word Aslan.  For example, 201-3644 Aslan is the 201st day of the 3644th year of the Aslan calender; it is equivalent to 000-0000.


The planet Kusyu has only minimal axial tilt and orbital eccentricity.  there is little inthe way of astronomical cause for seasons on the world, and the Aslan calendar has no seasons because there is so little in its climate to cause them.

-IE ld
-RC kt
-TP ld