Vargoe / Lirian / Foreven

Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises.
Portions of this material are Copyright ©1977-1996 Far Future Enterprises.
Name UWP Base Trade z pag Polit Star
Vargoe A100579-E Ni Va A 404 Na M5 V

Table of Contents

Section Includes
Referee's Notes Stuff you probably shouldn't read
System Data Detailed information on the system
YVN Advisories What you must know
YVN Report Information for travellers

System Data

Primary :: M5 V

Orbit Name UWP Grav Day Year deg 
Diam Rem
0 gas giant Large GG 4.05 18.7 0.16 288.5
11 satellite Y726000-0 0.33 -2E5 13.90 -80 11.4
25 satellite Y300000-E 0.11 23E3 47.63 -55 4.3 Re
35 satellite Y523000-0 0.21 78.90 -76 8.0
40 satellite YS00000-0 0.05 35E3 96.40 -55 0.3
45 satellite Y200000-0 0.10 5760 115.0 -55 3.8
65 satellite Y621000-0 0.45 35E3 199.7 -72 9.4
1 gas giant Large GG 6.00 25.8 0.44 319.7
3 ring YR00000-E Re
6 satellite Y400000-0 0.34 4.83 -119 6.4
7 satellite Y200000-0 0.13 6.09 -119 3.7
9 satellite Y300000-0 0.23 8.87 -119 5.0
13 satellite Y640000-0 0.47 23E3 15.41 -111 9.4
40 satellite Y6A0000-0 0.78 83.15 -70 9.6
45 satellite Y400000-E 0.35 99.22 -119 6.6 Re
55 satellite YS00000-E 0.05 17E3 134.1 -119 0.8 Re
60 satellite Y200000-0 0.19 152.8 -119 3.2
225 satellite Y400000-0 0.39 33.9 1109 -119 6.1
2 world Y520000-0 0.43 13.5 1.02 -156 8.6
3 gas giant Small GG 1.20 33.3 1.74 127.4
10 satellite Y100000-E 0.07 23E3 14.61 -175 1.3 Mb
30 satellite G200128-D 0.07 58E3 75.92 -175 3.0
4 Vargoe A100579-E 0.05 33.2 3.52 -196 2.1 Ni Va
5 gas giant Small GG 1.00 29.1 8.14 79.8
8 satellite YS00000-0 0.04 9.10 -215 1.6
12 satellite Y100000-E 0.04 16.71 -215 1.1 Re
25 satellite YS00000-E 0.05 36.8 50.24 -215 1.4 Re

YVN Advisories

YVN Report

Vargoe: a Description

The domed city-states on Vargoe all have the military capability to destroy the entire civilization.  Travel between city-states is severely restricted.

Despite the tension, commerce through the starport is fairly trouble-free.  A joint multinational bureaucracy administers the facility, and while overall policy is dictated by political pressure from the city-states, the mission of supporting interstellar trade is well implemented.