Junidy / Aramis / Spinward Marches

Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises.
Portions of this material are Copyright ©1977-1996 Far Future Enterprises.
Name UWP Base Trade z pag Polit Star(s)
Junidy B434ABD-9 W Hi 310 Im A7 V M9 D

Table of Contents

Referee's Notes
Stuff you probably shouldn't read
Encounter Tables
System Data
Detailed information on the system
TAS Advisories
What you must know
TAS Report
Information for travellers
Library Data Entry

System Data

Primary :: A7 V

Orbit Name UWP Grav Day Year deg 
Diam Rem
0 asteroid Y000000-0
6 Secondary 8.51 M9 D
9 world F10036E-8 0.08 29.1 173.5 -167 2.1 Mi Sc

Secondary :: M9 D

Orbit Name UWP Grav Day Year deg 
Diam Rem

0 world YS0051D-8 0.06 23.8 0.08 22 1.4 Mi Sc 27 18
1 world G25082F-8 0.24 20.4 0.22 16 3.4 Mi Sc 26 6
2 world F460900-8 0.49 22.9 0.50 11 6.1 Mi Sc 31 -5
3 ring YR00000-0
8 satellite F100720-8 0.13 10.0 3.41 1 1.6 Mi Sc 19 -15
10 satellite G200600-9 0.24 9.8 4.77 1 3.0 Mi Re Sc 19 -15
3 Junidy B434ABD-9 0.48 42.4 0.86 -7 6.2 W Hi In 21 -28
1 ring YR00000-0
7 satellite F333800-8 0.34 22.1 2.93 8 4.8 Mi Sc 38 -14
9 satellite G31172F-8 0.26 9.9 4.28 -29 4.5 Mi Sc -4 -48

TAS Advisories

TAS Report

Junidy: a Description

See also Library Data entry for Llellewyloly.

Junidy is the homeworld of the Llellewyloly: a race whose five limbs function as both hands and feet. The Llellewyloly have a complex society with many dimensions of social precedence; the same individual may be entitled to high status in one situation and low status in another, and to make an error in propriety is a serious matter.  Nonetheless, the system retains a Green Zone classification, as crimes committed by non-Llellewyloly are punished by expulsion from society.

The planet is subject to severe thermal fluctuations and temperature extremes.

-cam MW
-RSB ds
-SMC spin
(ref: Junidy (3203 Spinward Marches): "A Guide to the Domain of Deneb" The MegaTraveller Journal 1; "Library Data" Imperial Encyclopedia; "Aramis Subsector", "Exotic Encounters", "The Psionic Institute", "Library Data" The Traveller Adventure; "Prosperity for the Taking, Referee's Section" Alien Realms)