Aki / Glisten / Spinward Marches

Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises.
Portions of this material are Copyright ©1977-1996 Far Future Enterprises.
Name UWP Base Trade z pag Polit Star(s)
Aki B443987-9 Hi In Po A 214 Im G6 V M2 D

Table of Contents

Referee's Notes
Stuff you probably shouldn't read
Encounter Tables
System Data
Detailed information on the system
TAS Advisories
What you must know
TAS Report
Information for travellers
Library Data Entry

System Data

Primary :: G6 V

Orbit Name UWP Grav Day Year deg 
Diam Rem

0 world YS00000-0 0.07 13.6 0.09 455 0.8 471 448
1 Secondary 0.26 M2 D
4 Aki B443987-9 0.15 21.6 2.11 12 6.6 Hi In Po 15 10
5 world F820100-8 0.70 37.3 4.89 -76 12.8 -75 -77
6 gas giant Large GG 4.50 25.2 12.38 239.8
1 ring YR00000-0
4 satellite G620327-8 0.53 2.63 -108 9.8 Mi
6 satellite H410200-8 0.28 17376 4.83 -134 5.9 Mi
12 satellite G522568-8 0.41 13.67 -112 7.7 Mi
40 satellite G300126-8 0.25 83.19 -134 4.3
50 satellite Y500000-0 0.14 77.8 116.3 -127 7.7
150 satellite GS00300-8 0.04 604.1 -130 0.8 Mi
7 gas giant Large GG 4.75 9.1 33.02 303.4
1 ring YR00000-0
6 satellite Y510000-0 0.23 5.28 -171 7.4
7 satellite G731300-9 0.63 521.7 6.66 -176 11.4 Mi Re
8 satellite F200426-8 0.07 8.13 -176 3.0 Mi
15 satellite H100227-8 0.09 20.88 -172 1.4 Mi
25 satellite Y10026A-8 0.09 57600 44.93 -176 2.1 Mi
40 satellite H755639-8 0.86 23040 90.94 -142 11.0 Mi
50 satellite G731839-8 0.53 127.1 -156 11.5 Mi
150 satellite G300400-8 0.24 17184 660.4 -172 4.6 Mi
8 world Y200000-0 0.10 37.0 90.61 -198 3.7
9 satellite FS00400-8 0.02 25.1 8.71 -199 0.8 Mi
9 gas giant Large GG 3.15 13.0 252.4 288.3
7 satellite Y5A0000-0 0.60 8.00 -212 7.4
30 satellite F652328-8 0.57 70.94 -216 9.6 Mi
10 asteroid G000168-8
11 gas giant Large GG 5.00 33.0 1996 320.0
1 ring YR00000-0
2 ring YR00000-0
3 ring YR00000-0
4 satellite YS00000-9 0.03 1001.6 2.88 -247 1.3 Re
6 satellite G550636-8 0.60 5.30 -237 8.0 Mi Co
7 satellite Y100000-0 0.05 591.0 6.68 -247 1.4
9 satellite Y6A0729-8 0.77 9.74 -242 9.1 Mi Co
11 satellite F10011A-8 0.09 34560 13.16 -246 1.6
25 satellite G424225-8 0.33 -173E3 45.07 -248 6.1 Mi
55 satellite G701200-8 0.51 147.1 -249 11.2 Mi
60 satellite Y300000-0 0.13 167.6 -248 4.6

Secondary :: M2 D

Orbit Name UWP Grav Day Year deg 
Diam Rem

0 world FS00216-8 0.07 30.9 0.08 232 0.8 Mi 421 149

TAS Advisories

TAS Report

Aki: a Description

-cam MW
-RSB ds
-SM tns
(ref: Aki (2035 Spinward Marches): "Ghost Ship" The Travellers' Digest 14; "TNS" Challenge 41)