457-973 / Rhylanor / Spinward Marches

Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises.
Portions of this material are Copyright ©1977-1996 Far Future Enterprises.
Name UWP Base Trade z pag Polit Star
457-973 X372215-4 Lo Ni R 534 Im G9 V

Table of Contents

Referee's Notes
Stuff you probably shouldn't read
Encounter Tables
System Data
Detailed information on the system
TAS Advisories
What you must know
TAS Report
Information for travellers
Library Data Entry

System Data

Primary :: G9 V

Orbit Name UWP Grav Day Year deg 
Diam Rem
0 gas giant Large GG 4.50 11424 0.10 320.0
8 satellite Y730000-0 0.88 8.60 346 11.8
9 satellite Y700000-0 0.91 10.26 346 11.2
10 satellite Y310000-0 0.36 -28896 12.02 383 4.6
11 satellite Y400000-0 0.48 13.87 339 6.2
20 satellite Y300000-0 0.27 34.00 370 4.5
55 satellite YS00000-0 0.07 155.0 352 0.6
65 satellite Y400000-0 0.55 199.2 383 6.7
1 asteroid Y000000-0
2 gas giant Large GG 3.68 14.2 0.64 336.0
6 satellite Y5A1000-0 0.68 535.4 6.33 99 8.3
10 satellite Y410000-0 0.55 342.5 13.63 21 6.1
30 satellite Y320000-0 0.38 70.82 30 4.3
35 satellite Y100000-0 0.12 115.1 89.24 15 1.6
40 satellite Y100000-0 0.07 23328 109.0 24 2.1
55 satellite Y100000-0 0.08 83.8 175.8 33 1.0
3 457-973 X372215-4 0.11 33.8 1.09 18 5.0 R Lo Ni
4 asteroid Y000000-0
5 asteroid Y000000-0
6 gas giant Large GG 3.15 25.2 12.88 288.3
7 satellite Y100000-0 0.06 8.00 -155 1.1
8 satellite Y745000-0 0.58 57600 9.77 -164 11.2
11 satellite YS00000-0 0.05 222.1 15.75 -153 1.1
15 satellite Y711000-0 0.35 25.08 -165 11.5
40 satellite Y600000-0 0.63 109.2 -155 9.8
7 gas giant Large GG 2.93 13.1 34.34 287.7
4 satellite Y633000-0 0.51 -17088 3.57 -193 9.1
8 satellite Y510000-0 0.64 69312 10.10 -181 8.2
9 satellite Y300000-0 0.11 12.06 -186 4.0
10 satellite Y500000-0 0.41 -5760 14.12 -180 7.2
15 satellite Y200000-0 0.10 25.94 -181 3.7
30 satellite Y300000-0 0.26 57408 73.37 -186 5.1
45 satellite Y422000-0 0.30 62.8 134.8 -193 6.4
60 satellite Y500000-0 0.41 22848 207.5 -186 7.7

TAS Advisories

TAS Report

457-973: a Description

457-973 (3019 Spinward Marches X372215-4) is interdicted by the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service
to protect a local developing race from exploitation; a small human population studies the race from a
remote underground installation.

Interdiction is expected to continue until tech level 5 is reached, and commercial contact would normally be prohibited until the IISS contact process is declared complete.  When contact occurs, 457-973 will probably be renamed Pelouse, a lyrical translation of the local race's name for the planet -- it means "lawn" in the native language.

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