Helen, Brock, Mich, and Jenny take the pinnace and go out with a case or two of bean juice to party naked on a rock. The pinnace conveniently provides heat through the open doors while they sunbathe.
As the Anastasia leaves the planet, Brock tries to produce some pretty pyrotechnics with a nuclear missile or two, but the interlocks are in place and it doesn't work. Avon tells him what he thinks of this breach of procedure.
The ships arrive at the jump point at 15:25 and jump for O-0405.
Two of the marines are now sufficiently ill to require continuous hospitalization.
At 18:00 Anastasia comes out of jump. The first question asked is "Where?" By 19:00 they have determined where they are -- they are in fact in the destination system O-0405, although 40 hours travel short of the 100d normal exit point. They start on the journey towards the system.
Meanwhile, the engineers try to find out what went wrong with the jump drive.
As for the jump drive, the engineers have found out that there was a fluctuation in the matter inverter calibration just as the ship went into jump. They set to work trying to find out how they can fix it.
The full diagnosis on the jump drive failure is complete at 03:00. The problem is essentially a reliability problem rather than a component failure, and they just "lucked out" on the last jump. It is possible the engineers could put together something to improve the reliability, but they don't have the necessary materials on board the Anastasia. There may be the right stuff in the Sir Walter Raleigh's drive...
The failure was possibly contributed to by the long running time, but it's basically "within engineering tolerances." They consider quite seriously adopting the practice of dimming the lights before entering jump.
Refueling is complete by 06:00, but refining continues. In the meantime, they have of course been scanning the system. They have also been contacted by the Sir Walter Raleigh, and will meet at a jump point before leaving the system.
Before jumping, Mich asks the Sir Walter Raleigh if they have the material he needs for the Anastasia's jump drive. "Can we borrow a cup of parts?" They have some in their stores, so Helen takes Mich over on the pinnace to fetch it.
Mich estimates it will take about four days with the jump drive shut down to complete the repairs. He starts work at 16:00.
At 17:30, the two ships enter jump for O-0803.
This time they are closest to the outermost gas giant, and decide to refuel quietly there.
There are more ships in this system than last time they were here. Unfortunately, they have to refuel here; neither they nor the Sir Walter Raleigh would have enough fuel to jump to any nearby system. The signals they are picking up are not "civilian" traffic control signals, but are like the signals they have picked up from military cockroach ships in the past.
There is some ship traffic in the system. They see a group of five ships leaving: three are 1kt, probably BOXERs, the other two are 10kt. There is also, arriving, one 40kt ship which comes in to land on the planet. There are two ships, about 10kt each, in equatorial orbit and nothing much else in the area.
There is only one place where an ice cap meets open water, and so they descend at the north pole at 20:30, and go to the same place as last time, where the northern ice cap meets the sea. They start to refuel immediately (at 22:00) and perform atmosphere replenishment in parallel.