Journal of Miyara Kyosuke (20)
I was still in jail. The Count died of his
wounds yesterday, and an inquest was due this afternoon.
Overnight there was yet another death -- someone called Sigi Katuzu
(the minstrel) committed suicide overnight. Apparently he had
been eager to join
almost any group leaving this dangerous town, and has been turned down
twice now by the members of the entertainment troupe that we picked up
in the place of the Master Og's death.
I am also told that someone called Borisu Hepele
thought that Dagoma Tausika killed Bastia because Bastia vomited on
her. If that were the case, surely countless barbarians would be
dead for their crudeness! Now were Tausika a noble, that would be
another matter. But we have already determined that Bastia died
for his crimes, and was killed justly -- why should we be concerned
about other causes of death of this peasant? Surely the druidess
merely wishes to know that the killing was just?
Miyara told me that the mood in town was very
tense. The inquiry into the death of the Count had now been
postponed because there were beastmen just north of town.
Everyone was to be pressed into the defense of this village.
It remains to be seen whether I will be permitted to
help defend our so-called hosts.