Journal of Miyara Kyosuke (29)
We formed a group to arrest Gehrig: everyone except Omi
and Son were to take part. We left the chest in the secure area
in the Inn, after
Goru had inspected it and complained loudly about the security.
The watch captain stayed
behind too, and Miyara told me that Pireseri had trapped the chest as
well. The Dorufurikata came with us to ensure the arrest was
carried out according to such legal requirements as the barbarians had
in place.
We arrived at Gehrig's house to find that
the gates
were locked. Pireseri did his usual thing and found that they
were not locked after all. The gates swung open with an ominous
squeak. We continued up to the door, where Hosei was about to
knock when Pireseri peered through it first with his special
sight. Seeing nothing unusual, he motioned to Hosei who rapped
loudly on the door with his staff.
There was no response, so Hosei rapped again and
tried the door handle. He indicated it was locked. Pireseri
walked up, and this one too was unlocked. The door swung open.
We marched through the
door. Jeison said something loudly, and Gehrig stepped out and
spoke softly. There was a quick exchange of words, but Gehrig did not
resist Jeison leading him by the arm outside the house. The man
appeared to be unarmed and unarmored.
Then it was Goru's turn to question Gehrig. The White
Fairy was clearly annoyed at him.
Finally, the Dorufurikata spoke formally to Gehrig,
obviously listing quite a number of charges for which he was being
Gehrig was clearly
shocked. He spoke to the Dorufurikata in a clearly personal
conversation, as if between friends. Obviously the man was
denying everything.
Nevertheless, his complaints did no good.
Jeison and the
Dorufurikata escorted him to the jail, while Goru remained behind
downstairs to accost the fairy butler, and in case Martin turned up. I
did as ordered, which was to guard the back door. Everyone else
searched the house.
Most notable from the search, I learned later, was
that the walk-in safe contained a very large quantity of cash, mostly
paper money. There was also a plentiful supply of springwort in
the potting shed; this was the only herb there, and appeared to be the
sole purpose of the room at the moment. There were a number of
strongboxes around the house containing assorted papers. Pireseri
reported that they all contained contracts and ledgers. The
contracts were with people and businesses all over the Empire; Pireseri
said they were for the purchase of land or buildings, or lease
contracts. The
strongboxes were collected to present to the Dorufurikata.
Eventually Jeison returned, having delivered Gehrig safely to the jail.
Ashu, Goru, Jeison, and myself stayed to guard the
house against the return of the fairy or Martin. The
took the strongboxes to the Dorufurikata, telling him about the locked
safe and the springwort.
Son delivered a meal to us from the Red Bull.
We ate at our posts; I took my food up to my hidden position on the
roof. The watch captain came back to remove the springwort, and
left shortly after. I remained on watch all night; others,
including competent
villagers organized by Miyara, rotated various watches throughout the
The night passed uneventfully, except that the
doctor returned overnight. He had shown up at the jail
complaining that someone had broken into his house, even though nothing
was missing except a little manbane antidote. The Dorufurikata
talked to him and assured him things were fine. The doctor
volunteered to look after the sick people, which the Dorufurikata
allowed. He would of course be under the watchful eye of
Miyara decided we should track down the renegade
fairy. Dagoma Tausika volunteered to remain at the jail with the
mage; she has apparently had experience in such matters. The
watch captain was also to stay there. All guards were removed
from the house, but the doors left locked. At Miyara's command, I
drank a draught prepared by Rabena; it was a stimulant, I was told, to
allow me to assist with the hunt for the fairy. Rabena and
Carimera remained behind. Pireseri did too, but I saw him pass a
ring to Ashu before we left.
While the drugs were being administered to me, Ashu
had been getting the scent of the fairy from the house. We then
set off quickly along the trail that Ashu pointed out. The path
went through the gate, and then east out of town. He was a day
ahead of us on the track to Noln.
If that's where he had gone, then it would take us a week or so to
catch him, but we were counting on him either cutting back to another
place, or holing up somewhere.
After five hours it was clear we were not making any
significant gains on the fairy. Jeison and Hosei turned back to
town, leaving the quicker of us on the trail. Ashu, Goru, Miyara
and myself continued.
We had not brought food; we had to search around for
things to eat on the way at occasional forage breaks.
Nevertheless, we were encouraged by finding his overnight camp.
As I would later be told, back at the jail Pireseri
tried to get Gehrig to talk, but the main claimed to know
nothing. He did admit to some past real estate dealings with Martin
Schnapp, speculating in land in general in Krutzhoffen.
This Martin Schnapp was a fairly successful merchant in good
standing in Noln, whom he had met when the man came to him and
suggested they work together.
The evening and night passed uneventfully for all,
bringing in turn the next morning.