Journal of Miyara Kyosuke (64)
Goru has been trying to translate the scroll we
found in the rock compartment. Unfortunately we can't get any
practical information from it.
We return to the octagonal room. Pireseri
stares through the rock and tells us what he can see of the area down
the stairs. There is another octagonal room at the bottom of the
stairs, he says. In the center is a large black stone, again
roughly tomb-shaped. It too, however, is indeed just a solid
stone. There are blocks and symbols around the rock, with runes
embedded in silver. I say that these are all altars; they all
have rooms with robes nearby. Stairs lead on down from that room.
We go down to that room. Goru tells us that he
cannot read this kind of dwarven writing. The corner nearest the
stairs down has been worn down, as if rubbed continually over the
centuries. Pireseri tells us that the stairs go on down as far as
he can see, and that there are traps on the stairs. Stepping on
it will trigger leg traps.
I rub the altar in the way it has been rubbed.
Nothing happens.
Pireseri disarms the trap, and we continue on down.
A few steps after the trap, Pireseri sees a room he
recognizes, although he has never been in it. It is octagonal,
with a big stone dias, two thrones, and another black altar. This
time there are no traps between us and the room.
The Great Temple of KG is one of the few areas still
undisturbed. 20' high, walls, ceiling floor, all black.
Tapestry rails, some tapestries. All damp and mouldy, but design
visible and are similar to the robes. There are some orc
skeletons. There is a three step stone dias, 20' x 12' x 2', on
which is an 8x5x3 block of black rock, carved in arcane dwarvish.
At each corner are gargoyle status. At either end is an ornately
carved stone throne facting from the block. The northern is
intricately carved, the southen plain. There are orc skeletons
and charred furniture, indicating that there could have been some sort
of an explosion here.
There are three doors in this room, two on this
western wall. The other one is the one we know about, with the
trap in the corridor. There are also double doors going
south. Through those double doors are stairs upwards, going up
steeply to the lake room.
This is clearly where we must go.
We open the door and Hosei looks for magic. He
reports that the room is full of magic. The big block is
powerful, the thrones equally so, the tapestries radiate a sense of
magic, as do the gargoyles, and the south door, while the rest of the
room just reflects the intensity of the rest of it.
The stone has to do with burial rites, rites of the
dead, and the same for the thrones, the gargoyles. The tapestries
are protective against all comers, or the unclean or sacriligous
people. The south doors are locked magically. Hosei guesses
that this room is used as part of the burial rites for kings, so the
priests who do the burying have a way to come in here without getting
killed by the gargoyles and tapestries. So perhaps, I say, we
should go up and get robes and staves. I wonder if the scroll
contains anything about it, but of course it's incomplete; perhaps
there might be other parts around that we haven't found.
Rabena checks her maps for places we may not have
been yet, or not searched properly. She reports that when we were
first employed by the Royallists, we walked up a long series of
tunnels, and there were at least a few places we hadn't checked.
Also when we were given our first assignment, there were also some
places we did not check. It is most likely that the dwarves are
not there now because of the fighting, so we should be able to check
At Miyara's order, with Rabena navigating, we check
the other rooms. We reset the trap on the way out. We
continue through rooms, passages, and stairs until Rabena announces the
first place we have not seen.
First there are two rooms off the circular place
Pireseri and I found on our way up the long stairs. On our way to
there, we first go through a room with a ladder that goes up behind the
shrine in the artificial natural cavern. We then proceed west
towards those two rooms.
The circular room is where we had been turned back
by the guards during our employment, although it was empty when
Pireseri and I came here. The two rooms beyond had been used as
sleeping quarters for four dwarves, obviously not here now. There
is a secret hallway connecting the two rooms, but no secret
compartments. We check the belongings, which are as we might
expect for dwarven priests. There is nothing here that is old or
otherwise interesting.
We go back to the throne room, and proceed on to
other rooms we have not seen. Rabena busily works on her map as
we go. In the artificial natural room, Pireseri checks the shrine
and ladder carefully. To casual observation the ladder is just a
ladder, but with careful examination, the rung at the top of the ladder
is hollow, containing some kind of parchment with dwarven runes.
It appears to be in good condition, but he is not certain.
We retrieve the parchment. Hosei says it is
not magical. It is not in archaic runes, however, and Goru can
read it easily. It reads, "Speak the
runes, and with hands fresh cleansed, touch the holy signs which weave
around the words. This then shall pass you on into the holy place
free from taint and free from hurt." Pireseri tells us
that there is nothing else hidden around here in the shrine or natural
We continue on. Pireseri reports that there
are no dwarves in this area. The next room has stairs down,
leading to the lake, and a hallway that leads to the throne room.
The throne room is where we met Sundrim. It is
tall, with a dias at one end raised about 18" above the floor.
There are three stone thrones, behind which stand 5 life-sized statues
of dwarf warriors. There is nothing particular special, except
that there is a modern leather scroll case at the foot of the center
statue, behind the throne in such a way that you can't actually see it
without getting up on the dias. Inside the scroll case are
dwarven papers.
I step up on the dias, and immediately the statues
come to life and attack me, clearly intent on killing the rest of us
once they are through with me.