Variant | Primary Role |
FRISBEE-1 | Battleship |
FRISBEE-2 | Battleship, large spinal mount |
TL-11, MCr30447.79469 (MCr24358.23575 in quantity) |
36000/90000, Disp=40000, Config=6SL, Armour=55B
Unloaded=1659238 tons, Loaded=1675454 tons |
7663/15326, Fusion=459763Mw, Duration=20/60 |
4320/8640, Manoeuvre=3, 1620/3240, Jump=2
NOE=150kph, Agility=0 |
Radio=System x 5, Laser=System x 5, Maser=System x 5 |
PassiveEMS=Interstellar x 5, ActiveEMS=Far Orbit x 5,
Densitometer=HighPen/1m x 5, Neutrino=1Gw x 5, ActObjScan=Rout, ActObjPin=Rout, PasObjScan=Form, PasObjPin=Form, PasEngScan=Rout, PasEngPin=Form |
Particle Accelerator spinal mount, factor D
20 (17) Missile bay (100t), factor 8 60 (51) batt of 1 Triple Beam Laser turrets, factor 3 |
DefDM = 4
50 (43) batt of 2 Triple Sandcaster turrets, factor 5 |
Computer = 5 x 3, Panel = Dynamic Lkd x 94146,
Special = HeadsUp x 20, Electronic Circuit Protection, Standby bridge x 1, Environ = BasicEnv,BasicLS,ExtendLS,GravPlates,InertialComp, Airlocks = 20 |
Crew = 1257 (32 x 40) (Bridge=23, Engineer=167, Maintenance=46,
Gunnery=677, Flight=20, Troops=100, Command=172, Stewards=42, Medical=10), Crew Staterooms=1257 SubCraft: 5 Small Craft for 200 tons, SubCraft Crew=15 |
Magazine for 288000 nuclear missiles,
Cargo = 209 tons (2821.5 kl), Fuel = 191343 kl (14174 tons) (J:6000t,PP:8174t), Purification Plant (39 hours), Fuel Scoops, Obj Size = Large, EM Level = Strong |
Standard version of the Frisbee battleship. |
CraftID | TL-11, MCr28894.58993 (MCr23115.67195 in quantity) |
Hull | 36000/90000, Disp=40000, Config=6SL, Armour=55B
Unloaded=1591143 tons, Loaded=1609506 tons |
Power | 7034/14068, Fusion=421993Mw, Duration=24/72 |
Loco | 2700/5400, Manoeuvre=2, 1620/3240, Jump=2
NOE=150kph, Agility=0 |
Commo | Radio=System x 5, Laser=System x 5, Maser=System x 5 |
Sensors | PassiveEMS=Interstellar x 5, ActiveEMS=Far Orbit x 5,
EMSJammer=Far Orbit x 5, Densitometer=HighPen/1m x 5, Neutrino=1Gw x 5, ActObjScan=Rout, ActObjPin=Rout, PasObjScan=Form, PasObjPin=Form, PasEngScan=Rout, PasEngPin=Form |
Off | Particle Accelerator spinal mount, factor K
20 (17) Missile bay (100t), factor 8 11 (10) batt of 5 Triple Beam Laser turrets, factor 6 |
Def | DefDM = 4
50 (43) batt of 2 Triple Sandcaster turrets, factor 5 |
Control | Computer = 5 x 3, Panel = Dynamic Lkd x 89149,
Special = HeadsUp x 20, Electronic Circuit Protection, Standby bridge x 1, Environ = BasicEnv,BasicLS,ExtendLS,GravPlates,InertialComp, Airlocks = 20 |
Accomm | Crew = 1480 (37 x 40) (Bridge=22, Engineer=150, Maintenance=46,
Gunnery=829, Flight=20, Troops=150, Command=202, Stewards=49, Medical=12), Crew Staterooms=1480, SubCraft: 5 Small Craft for 200 tons, SubCraft Crew=15 |
Other | Magazine for 288000 nuclear missiles,
Cargo = 310 tons (4185. kl), Fuel = 202533 kl (15003 tons) (J:6000t,PP:9003t), Purification Plant (44 hours), Fuel Scoops, Obj Size = Large, EM Level = Strong |
Comments | Variant of the Frisbee saucer battleship that carries the largest available spinal mount weapon. |