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Zirunkariish: A Vilani banking and investment company unlike most other Vilani megacorporations, whose origins are shrouded in mystery. Zirunkariish was founded by the noble Vilani family of Shiishuginsa (a member of which, Antiama, married the Emperor Zhakirov in 679) in the year -425. Zirunkariish is one of the largest insurance underwriters in the Imperium, and while its capital reserves are gigantic, it usually chooses to invest them in various trusts rather than in other megacorporations.

Stock Ownership: Shiishuginsa family, 29 percent; Imperial family, 18 percent; Sharurshid trust, 17 percent; Hortalez et Cie, 7 percent; noble families, 12 percent; investment trusts, 8 percent; private ownership, 9 percent. -mc RC