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Ulane: A minor race of the Earle subsector, who received a few jump-capable ships from the Aslan about 800 Aslan (-1385 Imperial). They originated as flying quadrupeds, but their wings are now vestigial, converted to manipulative digits. The Ulane are less than one meter long, hollow-boned and delicate. Their diet consists primarily of fruit, since they require a lot of sugar to sustain their high body temperatures and activity levels. Small animals and insects provide protein. Ulane are adapted to warm climates, but are able to build dwellings that enable them to live anywhere - although they seldom prefer to.

The Ulane social structure is built on clans of related families, so that when the Aslan contacted them, the Ulane decided to emulate their benefactors and model their society along Aslan lines. To the Aslan, this attempt has met with only moderate success. Ulane are not at all combative, and their ideas of honor puzzle the Aslan exceedingly. The hierarchy of clan and family dominance was decided by vote shortly after contact, and can be changed the same way, rather than by competition and combat. Still, the structure is useful to the Ulane.

Ulane prefer to live in very small, scattered towns. Most of their worlds have less than one million population owing to the low birthrate and need for large foraging territories. A larger population on a Ulane world indicates that another race lives there also, usually in a non-competing niche.

With their few ships, the Ulane explored a number of worlds in their own subsector and coreward into Reaver's Deep Sector. However, they found most worlds less hospitable than their homeworld of Ul (0603 A682698-6). Since they could neither build nor maintain the ships on their own, Ulane expansion soon stopped and the Aslan expansion flowed on around them.

On some worlds Aslan and Ulane live together cooperatively. The Ulane are known for artistic rather than technological endeavors, and it is these that the Aslan prize when trading with them. -dn TD 17